Is your book calling to you?
…But you’re worried ‘cuz you don’t know HOW to write it or if you’ll even be good at it?
…And between juggling work + life, you don’t have a lot of leftover hours a day to devote to filling the page?
…And besides the usual stressors of “Will they like it?” and “Am I good enough?”
…You’re freaking out because you wonder if you can stick with it long enough to make it to the finish line?
We got you! Welcome to…
Is your book calling to you?
…But you’re worried ‘cuz you don’t know HOW to write it or if you’ll even be good at it?
…And between juggling work + life, you don’t have a lot of leftover hours a day to devote to filling the page?
…And besides the usual stressors of “Will they like it?” and “Am I good enough?”
…You’re freaking out because you wonder if you can stick with it long enough to make it to the finish line?
We got you! Welcome to…
This ain’t your mama’s keep-your-elbows-off-the-table writing course.
It’s a down-in-the-dirt, bush-whacking, cave-spelunking, mountain-climbing journey of awesome where dark nights of the soul meet glorious dawns over expansive new horizons.
(At a pace that works for you.)

Designed with YOU in mind…
This hands-on, 12-month writing quest is for story-loving creatives like you who are either dipping your toe into the fiction waters for the first time or are already tits deep!
This experience combines proven writing practices with personal development principles (and a little bit of woo!) to help you craft your book at your pace while building creative confidence to write and share your work with the world.
Isn’t it time we put the mental gremlins called Doubt and Fear in the backseat where they belong? (And hello no you do NOT get to touch the radio.)
I’ve taken 10+ years, hundreds of books, thousands of pages, and countless hours of writing, editing, critiquing and coaching experience and boiled down just for you. Distilled it, so you get exactly what you need to get started, dig deeper, be stronger, and create great fiction readers love to read.
Do you want to be a person who only says they’re going to write a book? Or do you actually want to be an author?
Because less than 12% of 1% of Americans who say they want to write a book actually make it to publishing.
❌ Not because they write like shit. (50 Shades, anyone?)
❌ Not because they don’t have time. (Ever Netflix & chill?)
❌ Not because they don’t know how. (It’s called Google.)
❌ And not because writing “isn’t a real job”. (Stephen King would beg to differ.)
But because most creatives don’t understand the KEY ELEMENTS that will set them up for success, like:
→ Integrating your writing into an already busy life (because we both know that waiting until you have weeks, months, or a special sabbatical won’t ever get you to actually writing your story).
→ Giving the same passion and importance to building up your creative confidence as you do to refining your writing skills.
→ Focusing on the right thing at the right time, rather than trying to do it all or do the last things first. (No, you do NOT need to find an agent if you don’t even have a rough draft.)
→ Surrounding yourself with the best people (mentors, peers, and fans) who support your journey instead of undermining it.
→ Giving a big ole middle finger to the calendar.
→ And letting every tiny step forward count! (I’m serious about this. Even 5 minutes a day of focused writing time can get you across the finish line.)
So EVEN IF you don’t know your hero by heart, your villain by sight, and your love interest like your favorite best friend…
And EVEN IF the idea of writing a novel has you pacing the floor with fuckity-fuckfuckfuck (because you feel as terrified as you do excited)…
You can still write a story that readers will remember (in all the “write” ways 😉 ).
…Breathing life into people who only exist on paper.
…Creating worlds and adventures never seen before.
…Crafting a compelling story others can’t put down.
…Attracting stark-raving fans who will love your people, places, and plots as much as you do.
And if you have done the writing? Is there still a place for you here?
YES!!!! Because the keys still apply. Especially if you’re not sure if you’ve written a compelling novel with a plot readers are drawn to follow and characters they’ll never forget.
❌ Don’t be the 99% who never finish their novel.
✅ Be part of the 1% who actually get published!!!
I mean, IF you want to…
Tell this story stirring in your soul.
Check an important item off your bucket list.
Empower your professional world by tapping into the well of your creativity.
Create additional streams of income.
Fucking enjoy yourself for a change!
Fulfill that childhood dream.
Tell this story stirring in your soul.
Check an important item off your bucket list.
Empower your professional world by tapping into the well of your creativity.
Create additional streams of income.
Fucking enjoy yourself for a change!
Fulfill that childhood dream.
Because Fiction Expedition isn’t just about rocking the WRITING — it’s about building the WRITER.
Over 12 power-packed, adventure-filled months, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to write your novel with confidence. We’ll explore the whole map of writing AAAANNND unpack the writer’s journey (that’s yours, btw). Utilizing tools from my personal writer backpack, you’ll learn:

→ How to separate your personal value from your creative work
→ How to take care of yourself (mind, body, soul, creativity)
→ How to set intentions and release the fear
→ How to receive all the delicious accomplishment energy you’ll build week after week
→ How to build the courage + knowledge necessary to share your work with the world
→ How to create an anchor for your entire story
→ How to work with a flexible story structure
→ How to create characters readers remember
→ How to figure out what the dump goes in the middle
→ How to write dynamic dialogue
→ How to use descriptions that matter
→ How to edit yourself before you ask for help

→ How to surround yourself with people who will support you
→ How to hold your courage in the face of nay-sayers
→ How to BE a great critique partner and beta reader
→ How to find great critique partners and beta readers
→ How to attract stark raving fans to your work
→ How to determine the best publishing path for you
→ How to use your brand archetype to sell your stories
→ How to create a marketing plan you can stick to
→ How to prepare for a book launch
→ How to keep selling your books long after the launch is over
→ How to pivot when nothing goes as planned

Combination video learning + group coaching + PDF guides + glitter-cannon FUN, Fiction Expedition is everything you need to finish your rough draft and see your dream realized.

→ How to separate your personal value from your creative work
→ How to take care of yourself (mind, body, soul, creativity)
→ How to set intentions and release the fear
→ How to receive all the delicious accomplishment energy you’ll build week after week
→ How to build the courage + knowledge necessary to share your work with the world

→ How to create an anchor for your entire story
→ How to work with a flexible story structure
→ How to create characters readers remember
→ How to figure out what the dump goes in the middle
→ How to write dynamic dialogue
→ How to use descriptions that matter
→ How to edit yourself before you ask for help

→ How to surround yourself with people who will support you
→ How to hold your courage in the face of nay-sayers
→ How to BE a great critique partner and beta reader
→ How to find great critique partners and beta readers
→ How to attract stark raving fans to your work

→ How to determine the best publishing path for you
→ How to use your brand archetype to sell your stories
→ How to create a marketing plan you can stick to
→ How to prepare for a book launch
→ How to keep selling your books long after the launch is over
→ How to pivot when nothing goes as planned
Combination video learning + group coaching + PDF guides + glitter-cannon FUN, Fiction Expedition is everything you need to finish your rough draft and see your dream realized.
And what waits for you at the end of this trek isn’t a treasure chest; it’s your Holy Grail.
If you have the chutzpah to put words to a page, you’ll walk away with:
→ A well-loved rough draft and the basic skills necessary to write a new novel again and again.
→ Clarity around where to start, what to write in the middle, how to end and all the nuts and bolts that land in between.
→ Confidence in yourself and your creativity, with the tools necessary to manage the mental gremlins, online trolls, familiar naysayers, and inner critic.
→ Courage to keep taking the best steps for you in creating the life and magic of your dreams!
→ Built-in connection to a really great tribe of writers and cheerleaders who, like you, believe in the power of fiction.
You choose your track…
And we’ll hold you accountable to whatever pace you choose.

Because this isn’t actually a race, my friend.
I’m letting you in on a little secret—finishing a book is more about creating a habit of writing than it is about getting everything done fast.
Methodical, consistent writing will get you to the end more often than a sporadic 5K here and there.
So if you can carve out even 15 minutes a day, I can show you how to create the habit of writing that will get you a novel.
If you have the chutzpah to put words to a page, you’ll walk away with:
→ A well-loved rough draft and the basic skills necessary to write a new novel again and again.
→ Clarity around where to start, what to write in the middle, how to end and all the nuts and bolts that land in between.
→ Confidence in yourself and your creativity, with the tools necessary to manage the mental gremlins, online trolls, familiar naysayers, and inner critic.
→ Courage to keep taking the best steps for you in creating the life and magic of your dreams!
→ Built-in connection to a really great tribe of writers and cheerleaders who, like you, believe in the power of fiction.
You choose your track…
And we’ll hold you accountable to whatever pace you choose.

Because this isn’t actually a race, my friend.
I’m letting you in on a little secret—finishing a book is more about creating a habit of writing than it is about getting everything done fast.
Methodical, consistent writing will get you to the end more often than a sporadic 5K here and there.
So if you can carve out even 15 minutes a day, I can show you how to create the habit of writing that will get you a novel.

Writing my book went from being a “pot of gold” dream at the end of the rainbow to in-depth but simple steps to make the magic happen.
Fiction Expedition has been wondrous and eye-opening. I’ve been sitting on writing my fiction book series for almost 8 years now. I knew I wanted to get my story out, but needed some framework and guidance to begin. Fiction Expedition was sooooo invaluable. I was really impressed by how thorough Debbie was in breaking down the writing process! I’m feeling very confident and totally without excuses now.
Fiction Expedition is an amazing growing experience!
I am a closet writer who felt it was time to let my creative juices flow and see the light! Fiction Expedition excited me because I needed help brain dumping, getting my thoughts organized, and getting my story out of me and onto paper! I was so worried my idea was dumb and I wouldn’t make it sound cool or intriguing enough, but Deb’s excitement was infectious. I love how she broke apart each section and made it seem doable. I was so impressed by the excitement, follow-up assignments, and the accountability for our writing.
Deb, you rock! Thanks for your energy and how you encouraged us to celebrate our accomplishments, even the little things.

Deb has the amazing ability to provide critical feedback without destroying someone’s creative spirit!
Deb is instrumental in my writing process. Not only is she encouraging, optimistic and positive, she offers a unique point of view that writers need. She has the amazing ability to recognize when something isn’t working, provide critical feedback without destroying someone’s creative spirit, and helps shape the context of the story into a better story. She’s also open-minded to what YOU want your story to be, not what she wants it to be and helps drive you down that path with her feedback. What writer doesn’t want that?!
If you want to write and you want to do this seriously, then you need to take this journey. I’ve never seen a writing experience like it.
Anybody that gets Deb as a support person, coach, and mentor is totally lucky! Fiction Expedition is one of the most informative resources I’ve ever found. I’ve read and researched (what feels like) 50 million different ways to write books and, to me, this was the best. The way Deb outlines the course, the way she talks about things, the way she has set up office hours and accountability to make sure you understand everything… It’s exactly what every writer needs.

Writing my book went from being a “pot of gold” dream at the end of the rainbow to in-depth but simple steps to make the magic happen.
Fiction Expedition has been wondrous and eye-opening. I’ve been sitting on writing my fiction book series for almost 8 years now. I knew I wanted to get my story out, but needed some framework and guidance to begin. Fiction Expedition was sooooo invaluable. I was really impressed by how thorough Debbie was in breaking down the writing process! I’m feeling very confident and totally without excuses now.

Fiction Expedition is an amazing growing experience!
I am a closet writer who felt it was time to let my creative juices flow and see the light! Fiction Expedition excited me because I needed help brain dumping, getting my thoughts organized, and getting my story out of me and onto paper! I was so worried my idea was dumb and I wouldn’t make it sound cool or intriguing enough, but Deb’s excitement was infectious. I love how she broke apart each section and made it seem doable. I was so impressed by the excitement, follow-up assignments, and the accountability for our writing.
Deb, you rock! Thanks for your energy and how you encouraged us to celebrate our accomplishments, even the little things.

Deb has the amazing ability to provide critical feedback without destroying someone’s creative spirit!
Deb is instrumental in my writing process. Not only is she encouraging, optimistic and positive, she offers a unique point of view that writers need. She has the amazing ability to recognize when something isn’t working, provide critical feedback without destroying someone’s creative spirit, and helps shape the context of the story into a better story. She’s also open-minded to what YOU want your story to be, not what she wants it to be and helps drive you down that path with her feedback. What writer doesn’t want that?!

If you want to write and you want to do this seriously, then you need to take this journey. I’ve never seen a writing experience like it.
Anybody that gets Deb as a support person, coach, and mentor is totally lucky! Fiction Expedition is one of the most informative resources I’ve ever found. I’ve read and researched (what feels like) 50 million different ways to write books and, to me, this was the best. The way Deb outlines the course, the way she talks about things, the way she has set up office hours and accountability to make sure you understand everything… It’s exactly what every writer needs.
Who this IS for + Who this is NOT for
Fiction Expedition IS for you if…
→ YOU WANT TO WRITE A BOOK! (I know, pretty obvious, right?)
→ And that book is a work of commercial fiction in any genre. (If you write something else, you are still welcome to join us for support and accountability. My expertise simply resides in commercial fiction.)
→ You are PRO HUMANITY. Meaning, you stand AGAINST oppression in ALL its forms: racism, sexism, genderism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, classism, xenophobia, religious prejudice, etc.
→ You commit to doing the work and taking radical responsibility for your own success.
→ You’re open to the woo. I’m a magical as fuck unicorn who weaves energy into conversations, especially when it comes to helping you overcome inner blocks. Woo is gonna come up.
→ You like having fun! We’re a rowdy group of fiction excursionists. 😉
Fiction Expedition is NOT for you if…
→ You’re a pearl-clutching, people-judging, boundary-breaking, “my way or the highway” type human. If you have ANY issues with the LGBTQ+ community, Black, Brown or Indigenous people, or being around people who hold different beliefs than you… if you believe racism doesn’t exist or only exists in the past… if you believe transwomen are not women and “don’t say gay”… then we are not the droids you’re looking for.
→ You’re more concerned with proving yourself right than with making connections or being helpful. Ours is a group of collaborative support, not one-up-manship.
→ You tend to blame or make excuses when things don’t go your way.
→ You find it hard to navigate a computer or the internet. (No shame! It’s just that everything we do is online.)
→ You need 1:1 handholding and guidance.
→ You want to write memoirs, literary fiction, biographies, non-fiction, etc. Again, if you still want accountability, support, and creative confidence, come join us! I just don’t teach anything specific to these writing styles here in Fiction Expedition.
Wanna peek between the covers?
(aka Everything you get while in Fiction Expedition…)

VIDEO TRAINING MODULES. This course is packed with over 10 hours of in-depth content, divided into manageable pieces so you get what you need exactly when you need it. Videos include Getting Started, Big Picture Story Structure, Act 1 Deep Dive, Characters that Live and Breathe, Tackling Point of View, Act 2 Deep Dive, Settings that Matter, Dynamic Dialogue, Show Don’t Tell, Act 3 Deep Dive, Revisions, Tension and Pacing, and more.

WORKSHEETS + PDF GUIDES. I’m dishing up the resources + tools you need for every part of the process, from creating an outline that can flex and move with your story to writing characters so real people cry when they die. You won’t find a guide in every section because I only give you what you need, not any of that extra fluff that keeps you from actually writing the damn book. (I like me some sugar and fluff, but only with my pastries, not my programs.)

BURN TIME. Like aspiring pilots learning to fly a hot air balloon, Burtn Time is designed to give you hands-on “practice” with your own writing. These 60-minute, Q+A-meets-workshopping, group-coaching sessions are where you get the help you need as you need it. Between you, me, and our “chase crew”, we’ll help you process what’s happening and brainstorm ideas on how to fix it. No more dying drafts! We got you!!! (And I know you have us too.)

HIGHLY CURATED ONLINE GROUP. This is the accountability that helps us reach the horizon! Deeper than that, it’s a place of belonging and human alchemy where the sum of our whole is greater than the individual parts. Here we create bonds with people on the same road and want the same thing. People who are willing to sit with us in our dark nights of the soul and encourage us toward the bright new horizon. The relationships you forge here will be ones to last a lifetime.

EPIC CHASE CREW. Like the crew who help get the hot air balloon off the ground, my team of fellow writers + experts will be in the online group to help you over the hurdles that come with writing your first draft. You don’t have to walk this road alone.
The Bonuses
Word Splurge

Hosted by the Balance of Seven press, these writing sprints provide a safe space for writers to get motivated and inspired to get those words on the page!!! Show up when you can for as long as you can and don’t worry about the rest. With multiple day and time options each week, there is a spot for everyone!
The Write Workshops

Character Deep Dive

Beyond the character basics we cover in FE, this DIY course takes you deep into the five core components of a character’s essence and teaches you how to use those to create characters readers will remember.
PLUS!!! While in FE, you get a FREE ticket to the LIVE Character Deep Dive every time I hold it!!!
The Value
(Here’s how your story is about to unfold…)
The Value

*PAY IN FULL BONUS. When you choose to pay in full for the year, you get a FREE strategy session with me! During this 30-minute zoom call, we’ll cover any topic you need to jumpstart your novel and propel you forward!
Hi, I’m Dr. Deb
Best-selling + Award-winning Author
Creatives Coached
Authors Supported
Authors Awarded
And I am passionate about helping fiction writers tell their stories.
→ I know what it’s like to find the thing that sings to your soul, only to have it dismissed by fear or outside voices.
→ I know the euphoria of creation—that utterly fulfilling “YES!” when beautiful words and visions are captured on the page.
→ And I know the dark nights of doubt and fear when our four walls and the tools of our craft feel more like a prison than they do salvation as mental gremlins whisper that WE aren’t enough.
Too many books have been abandoned in the hearts and on the hard drives of writers who struggle to believe in themselves and their work.
So I deal in the currency of confidence, courage, and connection because I know a confident writer is a producing writer, a courageous writer is a sharing writer, and a connected writer, well, that is the writer who is going to change the world.
And I want, with all my zillion heartbeats, a better world.
Loves & hugs,
PAQ… Phenomenal Answered Questions!
Is this a membership?
No. This is a 12-month program with challenges, coursework, and hands-on support through group coaching, live workshops, and masterclasses to help you get that novel written.
So when you jump in, you’re committing to your novel for 12 months. No more waiting. No more excuses.
Why pay you when I can read books for free?
Between Google and your local library, you can find anything you need to know about writing for free. But what you won’t find is the roadmap you need to get your book done. You won’t find accountability and the magic of human alchemy that exists in our group. And you definitely won’t find someone who can help you identify and remove your personal doubts, fears and blocks. So if “how” is all you need, then definitely cozy up to Google!
But if you want more… more magic, more writing, more support, more success… then Fiction Expedition is for you.
How do I know if I’m actually ready?
One of the first things creatives often experience when our novel taps us on the shoulder is doubt and fear: Am I good enough? Will people like it? What if this is just another creative endeavor I put time into and never actually finish?
If we look beyond the fears, what we usually find is the concern that we can’t stack writing on top of an already busy life. That’s why I created these tried and true practices to help you dive into your work often and easily so you can actually finish what you started! Integration is a MUST for the busy creative. And as a creative myself with an already full life PLUS writing, I know how to make that work for you.
What if I can’t make the live classes?
Weirdly, I actually don’t want you to make all of the live classes! I want you utilizing the exact resource you need in the phase you need it. So every class is recorded and saved for you to access when you are ready. We got you!
And for any Burn Time session (aka group coaching), you have the option of submitting your question ahead of time so it can be answered on the call even if you’re not there.
Will the investment be worth it? Will I really finish the program/write a book?
Hell yes it’s worth it! Though, admittedly, I am biased. So check out the testimonials of FE Alumni if you want the skinny on value.
Now, whether or not you finish the program and write a book is completely in your hands. If you dive in, do the work, make writing (and YOU) a priority, you will see the results you’re looking for. Even with just 15 minutes a day. <3
I don’t have the time. Do you know how busy I am?!
Believe you-me, I do. Writing + biz (or job) + family + other obligations + + + +… life happens! A lot.
So here’s the deal—I’m letting you in on a little secret—finishing a book is more about creating a habit of writing than it is about getting everything done fast. If you can carve out even 15 minutes a day, I can help you create the habit that will get you that novel.
But if you really can’t make any time for writing, then you’re right—this isn’t the program for you. (And, tough love, you really don’t want to write that story as much as you think you do.)
What can I expect once I sign up?
You can expect 12+ pre-recorded training modules: Getting Started, Big Picture Story Structure, Act 1 Deep Dive, Characters that Live and Breathe, Tackling Point of View, Act 2 Deep Dive, Settings that Matter, Dynamic Dialogue, Show Don’t Tell (making sense of great advice), Act 3 Deep Dive, Revisions, Tension and Pacing, and more.
Everything is already laid out in the order that will get you the fastest results without having to hold all the information at one time.
In addition, we have:
→ Weekly online writing sprints where you can write alongside other fiction writers. Get inspired to get those words on the page!
→ Monthly “Burn Time” with your pilot and chase crew to get your questions answered. From “how do I deal with mounting pressure and mental gremlins” to “how do I convey XYZ in a scene or make my villain more believable, we’ll help you stay ON TRACK with your badass creative self and project.
→ Quarterly workshops with various experts to cover topics not included in Fiction Expedition (like querying an agent) or to dive deeper into topics that are included (like world-building or creating characters) in order to help us better hone our craft.
→ Quarterly connection events (like Bad Movie Night or Happy Hour w/Deb) that simply allow us to connect, have a great time, and enjoy the company of other writers.
CLICK HERE for a sneak peek at our Fiction Expedition events calendar.
While I can’t guarantee you’ll have a finished draft by the end of the year, let alone a bright and shiny final draft (because I can’t control how many words you write, how many it will take to finish your novel, or that you’ll spew glitter and diamonds on every page)…
What I can pinky-swear promise is that you’ll receive hours and hours of intense, “how-to” packed training modules (giving you everything you need to get your idea from concept to manuscript) and 52 total weeks of in-the-trenches, write-or-die support via our master Chase Crew and accountability group.
Because this isn’t about showing you THE path to writing a novel, but about helping you understand YOUR path.
You ready to write the story?
Only you can write your happy ending.
You have a story. I know because you’re here. Don’t let doubt, fear, and unhappy voices (inside or out) derail you from writing your book. You don’t want your dream to die inside you, right?
I promise, Future You will look back and wish you’d started today.
If you’re ready to have clarity in your direction, confidence in your creativity, courage in your action, and connection with a tribe that will help you maintain momentum, then Fiction Expedition is for you.
The adventure begins NOW.
Will you choose it?